![clip, transcription below|video](invalidate_industry_with_shell_script.mp4) Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLsEpF14h0M&t=1055 **Wendel**: We've learned so much about some industries, that it's been very difficult for us to resist the temptation to just do what we think is necessary for that industry, to produce something that is disruptive, and also probably wildly profitable. It's like you get to a certain depth, and it's like 'Wow, everybody is doing it the most dumb way possible; let's do a better job." **Ryan**: To go back to the quesiton about where to start: If you know how something works, and you can apply technology to it, like Wendel's saying, you can invalidate entire companies, at least people. **Krista**: It's a dark superpower. **Wendel**: "Go away, or I'll replace you with a very small shell script." It's a real thing.